Travelling to Lerab Ling

Travelling by Bus


Bus Service Organized by Lerab Ling from Montpellier airport and train station – This is the only direct transport to Lerab Ling, If you are not traveling by car. This bus service is proposed on arrival and departure days of our events. Please reserve the bus when booking online, or mentioned it on the registration form. A member of the welcome team, holding a sign FORUM B&M 2016, will meet you in the arrivals area at the airport and on the 1st floor of the train station, near the exit "Pont de Sète".

Public Transport - Bus from Montpellier to Lodève – Regular public buses service ‘Hérault Transport’ runs between Mosson in Montpellier and Lodève (15 kilometres from Lerab Ling). First take Tram 3 (direction Juvignac) from Montpellier railway station to Mosson (€1,50). Then take the bus from Mosson to Lodève (direction Millau - €1,60). From there, you can take a taxi to Lerab Ling (15 kilometres).

Some useful links (french only):


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